THE CONTENT S. 411111111.0..1.M.IICISM,P., Page dwellingfianeire ibid 4 The fulneN of the world canneverfa' tisfie the better part ofman. The fnlnefl of Chrift ever doth 35 5 Thefulnefl oftheearth can- not commenda man to God, thefulneffe ofChrifi makes a man lovely in the eyes of God 36 6 Thefulneffeofthe earth is mixt with poifin, fin, and the curie of God, The ful- neffeofChrift with content- ment ibid 7 Thefulnefe ofthe earth isa defiling fulnefie, The Jul- nefieofChrifl, a pure feel- tide' 37 8 Thefulnefre of the world is kfe than is expetied, the fulneffe of Chrift is more than can be expetied ibid 9 The fulnefe of the world is fometimes better wanted than enjoyed, Thefitinefe of Chrift alwaies makes men happy ibid 10 The fulnefe of"the earth, cofis many times more than it is worth, but Chrift gives much, and takes no- thing 38 II 'All &fulnefl ofthe earth is not able to return you lovefor love, The fulnefre Page ofchrifi returns jou more . . love thanyou brought ibid Application 2 An encouragement to all men to come into "elm Chrift 39 To Eeleevers It willmare them firm Temptations .- againfi al Tiifcouragments Ajlillions To Unbeleevers Application 3 To beleeverr to labour their own, and flrengthen their afinraneeof their union with lefus Chrift 42 4 41 to own SERMON III John r. 16. Doer. What grace or holineffe the Saints have from Chrift, They have it all in away of receiving 46 Proved byinflances jafitfication Adoption In Sanilification ibid Thegifts ofthe ( holyGhoft Prayer 47 All in general ibid The raitxtbatfats As alfo By the infufficieney ofNature B 2 I To