THE CONTENTS. Page i To, overcomefin though ne- verfa fmall 49 To rifeagain ifhe befallen 50 3 To continue ifhe!Amid rife again 51 4 To do any onegood work5 5 To prepare bitizfelf unto what isgood ibid 2 By the fupernaturallity of wane - 54 3 .14 the fbortneN cfthe meant of grace 55 4 By the work, and nature of faith 56 5 Ey thepo ft'aro andtrue behavi- WtO ofprayer 57 Obje&. This cuts ofall endea- vours Anfvocred 58 a It moves to enZeavours hocaufi it caufith love. andfear 59 2 Whatfo.ever fCr?.,ice we tender to God on this fide heaven, is all I waitingzpon him 6o Reafons of the point That all boafling, rejoycing: andconfidence in ones Pelfmay he taken away 61 2 That jefus Chrill may beful- ly honouredand exalted ibid 3 That the Saints may live by faith 62 Application r Behold what infinite care God bath ofbeleevers 62 Page Behold what Saints live 65 Application-3 What abundance live under the Gaffe! that have nofaving in- tereft M Yerus Chrifi ibid. Application 4 All is from grace from firfl to 141 66 I - SERMON 1111 John I. 16, Dolt Abundance ofgrace the Saints in the new Tofiament have from jefus Chrift 69 Cleered a Ifwe confider the feeend ad- vances grace bath made from the beginning of the world to this day 71 We have it not by the candle but by the Sun 76 2 Thevail is now rent,we have it not infradow but in fub- fiance 79 3 It is not tempered with the Law but with the Goffel 77 4 We have it not in bondage but with the ffirit ofadaption ibid 5 We have it from-the Son of God 78 2 e s there isabundance ofgrace difcovere