THE CONTENTS. Page difcovered fo there is abun- andyet tofee there is much dance exhibited and conninini- hypocrify there ibid eared to the Saints 78 4 7o befenfible ofhisfin and 1 It is a great matter fOr an yet not swilling to chang his ungodly man to be jullified condition with another for 79 all the world ibid 2 It's a great matterfor a man 5 To workout his falvation to be the San of God ibid with fear and trembling, 3 It is a great matter to have andyet to rely upon .7efus the Image of ,7efeos Chrifil Chrift- alonefor it 84 drawn upon a filthy foul 1 6 For a man to walkclofely ibid 1 with Godandyet be in the 4 It is a great matter for a dark, ibid man to be in heaven before 7 To be diligent in hisparti- he comes there 80 cular calling, and yet take Object. We do not feefuch abun- no thought what he frail dance ofGrace in the lives of eat 'drink, or put on ibid thole that are accounted godly 8 To know that Godwill work Anfwered r. Do you confider good and gain to him out the oppofition ofGrace ? when ofhisfin, andyet tofiriv e grace is much oppofed,though againfi it as againfi the it be little in bulkit will be greatefi evil of the world Igrezt in operation So ibid 2 confider the Retinue of it, 9 To be the more afflic`fed be- though grace be mean it bath a caufe his affliCiion comes rich retinue Si from God 85 3 Confider the myfery ofgrace 10 To pray earnefily for a, i It is a great matter to trem- ble at the word andyet to love it andprize it 82 2 To love the Ordinancesand yet at,the fame time to think he cloth not profit thereby better condition, andyet be contented with his-prefent. though neverfo mean ibid Application. I Do not vilifie the gift ofGod wherewith thou art enriched 83 through efus Chrifl 86 To comfort Iiimfelf in that Application 2 the Lord knows his heart, Behold what greatfinnersprofefr fors