Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS Page fors are b6 Application 3 What a mighty encouragement here is, both to good and bad To bad, to come in to Chrin 88 To good, to abound ingracef SERMON V Page I By offering up our own chriji to him 107 2 Account it a great honour . to belong unto him i bid Give not the worfi, but al- waies the bell to him 108 4 Defflife not the choice work ofChrift ibid 2ruji alwaies in him ibid 6 So to walkthat the men of the worldmay ft7eakwellof the waies of Cod 109 7 Own Chrifi no 8 Be willing to 'loop to any work, for "jefu, Chriji, though it lie below your condition SERMON VI 3 John I. 16. Doa. Whatfoever grace the Saints have they have it fromleftoChrifi 91 Proved By the infujficiency of nature 92 By the alfufficiency of Chrifl 93 Objeaions anfwered 99.101 What good a Christian re- ceives hence lefus Chrifl is made our firength 104 2 ire are moved to love him ibid 3 To live in dtpendanceupon him ibid 4 To walkhumbly before him ibid 5 Tobe fruitjul 1o5' Application 'What infinite caufe have we to advance the Name of jefur Chrifi 10 Howway this be done 5 ....M. John 1.16. Do&. Whatfoever grace o'r holinef5there is in Yefur chrifl, there is fomewhat in the Saints that is anfwerable thereunto 113 Proved Reafon 1 Becaufe there if a bleed union between Chriji and every, Cbtifiian 115 Reafon 2 ]efuc Cbrifl is ourficondAdam a commenperfon between Goch andus 117 Reafon 3 There