Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS. Page There is an incomparable love be- tween Chrifi and a Chriflian ibid Reafon 4 There is thefamejPirit in a Cbri- 17 ;an that is in Chrift I I9 ()Weft. How can this be ? Anfwered 120 Application Howmany petftns there are that live under the Gdelandhave no interefi in jefiu Chrift I22 Inflanced Inprophanepeople ibid 2 In marl), Civil and rnor- ral people ibid 3 In Hypocrites x23 Application 2 What a blefled thing it isfor pea- ple to be in cbrifi 123 Q2eft. What is our duty that flows from hence ? Anfw. I. Be not proud of it 124 2. Improve it 125 By beholding it And 2 By imitating it ibid By bearing witnef to the truth ibid 2 By fiooping to any wok though below us ibid 3 By being much in prayer ibid 4 By not knowing our na- Page tural relations ibid 5 Having an high efteent ofthe Saints though ne- verfo low 126 6 So exercifing one grace as that we May exercife another ibid Being a lambe in our caufe, a lyon in Gods ibid -8 Infilfferings I Not till we are called ibid 2 When we are called not to be put out ofthe way ibid 3 To have regard to o- ther men, goods ibid 4 To be morefenfible of Gods withdrawings than of al other pains ibid Application 3 How infinitely we are bound to God the Father for our Lord jeftu Chrifi 128 Gods two great gifts were. I He gave the world to man 2 Regave jeftss Chrifi to the world ibid. Application 4 Be contented to have fellowfbip with .7efus &ill in all big Kering! SER.