THE CONTENTS. 44,444,444+144.4.4. SERMON I Romans, 4. 19. it Text opened -Page 152 Dal. 1. When God intends tofulfill his prom:ie bygiving any ffiecial blef- fing to beleevers, he cloth firfi put thefentenceof death upon it, andupan all the means that lead unto it. 154 Proved fleafon. That be may be waft Peen therein' 156 .IteaCon 2 That the Saints may learn to trufrto God alone 157 Rea fon 3 That they may be conformable to lefits Cbrifi 158 Reafon 4 That their comforts may be the morefare andfle(lfali ibid Objeaions anfwered 159 Cautions, Vizderfrand this, concerning great and fFiritual 160 2 The fentence of death may bet poet upon the bleffing in ano- I titer mans hand 16 3 It is much accordinti to the life of the mercy that comes after- Page ward 162 (belt. Why cloth Godfirfi give the promife ? Anfw. i To Itew 10 where the mercy l ies 163 2 Beeaufk he cloth not intend we Pall have it pretend, 3 Tatour hearts may beibboird h. rn up againfl all dijeourage. talents 164 Application Ref Ilan God in the darkji times 164 Quell. How (hall I know the mercy will revive again Anfw. There are mo al%s of faith r Reliance 2 Affu ranee Accordingly there are two objeCfs offaith 1 A may be? 2 A than beS' of mercy Amay be, ofmercy caufeth Re- liance A (hall be, ofmercy caufeth Af- furance Reliance carded, quietnefs Afurance caufeth joy ibid Wales to know whether mer- cies thall rife again or not I By thefiequent vijitings ofthe promife 167 a By the fill fruits of the pro- tnihe