THE CONTENT S. Page mife i68 Encouragements to wait If ever it rife it will be the choicefi mercy we had in all our lives 17o 2 It will be the furefi mercy ibid 3 It will be the fireetefi mercy 171 SERMON II Rom. 4.19. Do&. WhenGod is pleafed thus to put the fentence of death upon a bleJJing or the means that leads to it, it is the duty of the fortsofAbraham to trufi in Godand notBand poring up- on the means and deadnef? thereof 174 Divided into three propo- &ions, and cleered i A meer rational confideringof the means and the deadnef; thereof is a great enemy to be- leeving cleered 174 2 When all meansfail and feem to lie dead, then it is the duty ofall thefont ofAbraham, to beleeve cleered 177 3 Thus to beleeve when all means fail,is exceeding well rage plea";ng and acceptable to God, cleared i8o Application What an encouragement is here to to live above hope and under hope 183 Obje&. We are afraid to beleeve when meansfail, becaufi God bath commanded to to ufe the means Anfwered 184 i It may be God takes away the means to try thyfaith 185 2 God doth never give to fupply our lulls, but to fupply our wants ibid 3 If all the means fail, faith is a means to a means 186 4 Loolkybot way God is ufed to roalkin towardsyou, in that way you may boldly expea him ibid Obje& . I fhould prefume if I fbould truji in God when meansfail Anfwered iSS SERMON III KM'. 4.19 DoEL True laving faith carries the foul through all difficulties Ica Cleered I In that the wy to7 -e fne Miff C is sesaiseeisweemanseeporAt <maw.