THE CONTEN TS. Page isclogged withmany difficul- ties '93 2 True favingfaith will carry a man through them all 195 3 Nothing but faith can do it, For, z. Convglion of the good waies ofGod cannot 200 2 Refolution will not ibid 3 Illorral Terttter will not 201 4 Gifts andparts, Goffiel en- largments cannot ibid 4 What it is infaith that doth it Faith Pewsthe foul the in,. vifible things of God 202 2 It tell thefoul all things ,are it's own 2e3 3 It flews a man greater ex- cellenciesin Cbrtfi than all difficulties 204 4 It enables the foul to leave thefuccefi and event.of all to God ibitt 5 It is that grace whereby a foul takes up the yoke of Chrift 205 6 It teacheth man topickota the love of God _Pont under theanger ofGod 206 7 It flu 1 r the foul with Gods infinitneg 207 Application If Difficulties arife, here is the way to grapple with them 207 Ob3e&. How 'hall amanufe his Pag faith that be may break. through all difficulties ? Anfwered Exercifeyour faith inthe pro- snifi,,beforeyouleakwith the difficulties 208 2 When you do lookupon them, look,uponthem as your trials many times as the Devils Engirt: toworkyour hearts of again 208 3 Setyour filves (noweffiecial- ly) with alyour might to yen. ture upon Ye,rus Chrifi 209. 4 The greater difficulties par graces are recovered out of the hands of the more fweet will they beuntoyou 210 Study Yelas Cbrifi more And 5 Objeet. Suppofi aman bath bin in jefus Chrifi agreat while, and then difcouragements arife to beat him out ofthe way sofCbrifi howfhalheraifehisfaith to work through theft? Anfwered Confideryour call,often 211 2 The moreyoubeleeve in thefie l ofdifficuky,themoreyoupleat God - ibid 3 Talkeoften one to another what great things God loath done, that hebath promifed 212 4 Confider what great difficul- ties jefus Chrifl bath broke thorow to come toyou ibid 5 Never