Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE Page 5 Never .ffeakwithyour difcul- tiesapart from apromife. ibid 44+.44444.44+4444, Matthew, 3. 2. SERMON I The text opened and explai- ned 216 Do& The kingdom of Grace, mercy & forgivenef?, comes to us before we corn to that 211 Proved 218 Evidenced' From our own con- dition. Loft Peep 228 I 2. From Chrifts willingnefl to Pave inners 224 Objections anfwered 225 Rear. I That Godmay be known to be God 229 Reaf. 2 Thatmen may be made themoregracious ibid Real. 3 That no fiejla may glory in it felfnor any thing it cloth 231 Application I Confider whether Godhave dealt thou by ourfouls or no 232 Iffo,learn theje duties I Befooner at heaven gate with your duties hereafter than you were before 234 2 Labour to be like, God in this particular ibid 3 Wait with long fuffering for the converfion ofothers 235 CONTENTL Page 4 Trull in Godforever 236 Application z You that have not received the Kingdome of Grace , Take, heed how ye negled fo great falvation 237 SERMON II Matth. 3. 2. DoEt. 2 The drawing nigh of the kingdom ofgrace, is thegreatefi motive to true Repentance 240 Opened by confidering the parti- culars of Repentance, andyou pallfind the grace and love of God loath influence upon them all Viz. i Sight and knowledge of fin 242 2 Be humbledfor it 243 3 Loathhimfelf 4 Be *antedof it ibid, 5 Acktowledge it 244 6 Labor to unfin it it ib. Reafon Becaufe Repentance is a fruit of faith 245 Rear. 2 Becaufe it flows from love 246 ObjeEt.. Arguments drawn from Hell, and the wrath ofGod, feem to workRepentance more than the love of God 247 Anfwered, by dfflinetions C 2 I It -. 40.600111.esanw.,...m.e