Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS Page It is one thing tobe troubled in confcience, and another thing to-be humbledfor fin 2425 2 It's one thing to be prickt, at heart , and another thing to repent ibid 3 It'sone thing to repent offin in regard of the inconvenience of it, and another thing to repent in regard ofthe morral evil of it ibid 4 Its one thing to bebroken with the weight offin, andanother to have the foul meltedfor it 249 5 Its one, thing to have farrow& repentance in the Ore, andan- other thing to have it refined. ibid It if one thing for repentance to be more in view,another to be mart in/Pith 250 7 It is one thing for our Repen- tance to afeti our own heart much, another thingfor to af- feU the heart of God much. Life What afad conditicn are thofe in, to whom the lqngdom ofGod bath come, andyet they are not moved to repentance 231 5 life 2 The reafon why our hearts are no more humbled is, becaufe we do not labor to bring the kng- dome of od neere to our fouls 252 Life 3 What infinit caufe we have to re- pent 254 I. The more evangelical our repentance is, the more it will cure our fouls, andnot hurt our bodier 255 2 The moreyouwil be grieved for fins againfi- the Gold 7.36 3 It isafriend tofliritualfly ibid 4 The mereyou hope, ourfin ispardoned, the more you will grievefor it 257 5 The moreyour heart will be enlarged to andfor Chrill ibid 6 The moreoft& Goffel is in your repentance, the moreof the Gdel will be in your obedience 257 7 The more your hearts will be fweetned towards the Saints 238 Page FINIS