Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

444441,44444444444,44444.4'444444444 C: a '4 -1--- pr i; --.7 --4-_-..:_--- -6-1-p- 'AI., All _!-_. ,,_ .,__, +44+1,444+144+tis.44444.1444644,4444+44 GraceFoRGrace OR THE OVER-FLOVVINGS OF CHRISTS-FULNES Received by all SAINTS. JOHN 1.16. And ofHis Fulnels' have all-are received, .even Grace forGrace. E RE in this Chapter are Two choice , 4 vangelifi : both agreeing in this, To ad- Spirits, John the Baptifi, and, obn the E- Nogvance the Honor of Jefus Chriti. John E g,,,,,...,atax401 the Baptift is brought in by: ohn the E- 6vAnt,..a van gelift , giving ( as you reade in this firft Chapter) Four great Tefihnonies of Jefus Chrift. The frft begins at the 15. verfe, John bare Wiinef? ofHim andcryed,fasying,This was He ofwhom If ake. Wherein John the Baptift doth prefer Jefus Chrift above hirnfelf; both in Preached at Dun- flans in the Eaff, March 16,1644