2 Grace for Grace, Or the over-floroings of in regardof His Perfon, and in regardof His Office ; In re- gardof His Perfon, as you reade in the latter end of the 5th, 7bis was He of whom I fj,ake.,, He that cometh afterme, ispreferred before me, for He roar before me. In regard ofHis Office, at the 16, the 17, and 18. verfes : And ofHisFulnefs have al we received, evenGracefor Grace. For the Law war given by Mores, bat Grace andTruth came by ICchr onfers 16';c there are Learned Interpreters , as Cyril, and Chryfoflome, that do conceive thewords ofmy Text, to be the words of John the Evangeliii : the 15. verfe, having (as they fay) relation unto _johns fpeech in the latter end of the 14. verfe, Full of Grace and Truth. But Origen and others `unto whom I rather incline ) think that they are the words of John the Baptift ; be- eaufe they areknit unto the former by the copulativeAnd.: And, of His fulnefl have all we received, Gracefor Grace. He therefore that fpake the words of the former verfe, in all likelyhood, fpake therewords : He that fpake the words of the former verfe was jam the Baptili , and therfore thefe word( being linked unto the former by the word, And, in all likelyhood are thewords of John theBaptiff. The Words of thernfelves fall into there Three Pro- pofitions. Firft, That there is a falnef?of Grace in jefur Chrifl. Secondly, That oft hisfirinefl, we have all received. Thirdly, That we have all receiva , even Gracefor Grace. There is a great Con troverfy upon the latter Claufe, what ihould be meant by thofe Words , .Even grace for grace : But becaufe the Determination thereoffals proper- ty within the compafs of theThird Propofition, and will have little influence upon the ft& , which ,I .intend ( God milling) to fpeak unto at this time; therefore .11 .pals by that