Chrifis Famefreceived by all Saints. that Controverfy , and come prefently unto the Fica Pro-, pofition, which is this : Do&. That there it a fulnegof Grace in jefus Chrift. Fulnefs is here attributed (you fee) unto Jefus Chrift. The word in theOriginal fometimes is taken for Abun. dance, The Earth is the Lordt, and the fulnefs' thereof: So here it is not taken ; here it is too narrow : for there is not only Plenitudo abundantix, but, Plenitudoredundantix ; not only a fulnefs ofAbundance, but a fulneffe of Redundancy ; an over-flowing of fulnefs in Terns Chrift. Sometimes theword is ufed for Fu/filling. and Pe;fearing ofa thing : So love is Paid to be the Fulfilling of the Law. So it is not taken here, for though Chrift be theend of the Law, yet notwithftanding, the Fulnefs fpoken here, is that which wedo receive, and that is the Fulnefsofgrace. The word Firftly, and Properly is given unto Voids, that are brimful of liquor; and fo Metaphorically appli'dhere unto our Lord jefus Chria, who is brimful of grace in whom there is no emptynefs, there is no evacuity. While I (peak of JefusChrift, I mean Chrift as Mediator, as God- man. There is a Fulnefs in Chrift as God: That isnot the fulnefs, fo Ch rift is not taken here, by what is Paid in the verfebefore the Text, the 54 verfe. And the Word was made fell) ; And ofHis Fulnef we have all received: So that it is the Fulnefs ofChrift as Mediator, there is a Fulnefs ofgrace in Chrift as Mediator. 1 Thal keep me clofe unto the words. TheFulnefs is here fpoken ofwhich we are Paid to receive, of whichwe receive; we receive grace for grace ; 'tis the Fulnefs thereforeofgrace that is in Chrift, that I amnow fpeakingof. Now thewordGrace, fometimes it is taken for the Love andFavour ofGod : We are faved by Grace: That is, we are faved through the Loveand Mercy of God. Sometimes this word in the Original is ufed, or put for Holinef? : Singing with grace in your hearts; that is, with Holinefi in your hearts. C 2 And