Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Grace forGrace) Or the overflowing! of And fometimes 'tis tired for Excellency, for Gifts, or A. bility, as inEphef. 4.7. and in al thefe refpeas there is a fill. nefsofgrace in Chriff. Firft,of all., Take grace for Love, and Bounty and Mercy : and fo there is, Plenitudo bonitatir, there is a Ful- nefs of Love in Chrift : The heart, and love of Chrift now in Heaven, is the fame toward poor fanners , toward His Children , toward Eeleevers , toward Men ; as it was when He was upon the earth , whenChrift was upon the earth. Firft , There was a fulnefs of Pardoning Love in' Him : Then He would pardon men,before they did come for par- don. Father, (faies Chriff) Fatherforgive them, they know not what they do. Ye count it a great aft of love, where the fault is great ; to forgive a man upon his acknowledgment of the fault : Our Lord Chrift did not flay for their ac- knowledgment, but whilft they were reeking in their fins He forgives : Father forgive them, forgive them, they know not what they do. Yea, if you look into the Gofpel ye (hall find , that when men .were putting forth the higheft a&s of fin, He was putting forth the higheft a&s of His love. When Chrift was fuffering for Peter, Peter was denying Chrift : Peter denying Chrift, and Chrifi fuffering for Peter. When He was upon the earth, He did not only pardon once, but He would pardon again and again : if men finned again , He-would pardon again: The Difciples flept, and Chrift Pardon'd : They flept again, and Chrift par- don'dagain : they flept again,and Ch riftpardon'd again. Yea,' andwhen He had pardon'd , He would not upbraid them with their former fins , or with His own mercy : After His Refurre&ion not a word to Peter, ofall his deni- al; or ofChrifis mercy. Eeloved ! Chrift is ,the fame in Heaven, He is the fame in Heaven now. Again, when Chrift was upon the Earth, His firft, and His great care was, for thole that were weak in grace. The firit Sermon that HePreached, Eldredare the poor in fPirit : and