Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifis Inc; received by all Saints,. and bleffedarelbofi that mourn: He doth not fay, bleffed are thofe that have ailurance of the love of Cod : and bleed are thofe that have the fence of His Love in their hearts; but bleffed are the Poor; and bleffed are they that mourn And when any poor doubting, trembling foul came unto Him, He would not caft away their fervice becaufe it was accompanied with infirmity : but He would rather pafre by their infirmity, becaufe it was accompanied with Tome cerity : So the Woman that came behind Him : So Nicodemno. And when any poor foul could not come- to-Chrifi, could not come to Chrift in ChrifIs way ; Chriit would come down to him in his way : lhomm (faithHe) Thou fayefi thou wilt not beleeve, tulles thou thruft thy hands into My fide : 7homaI-, Thou wilt not honour Me by beleeving unlefs thou feeft Thomar, Thou wilt not come up toMe in My way : Well, I will come down to thee in thy way : Come, reach hither thy fingers, and thruit thy -hands into My fide, andbe not faithlefs, but beleeving. Oh ! the ad- mirable condefcentionoftheloveofJails Chrift! Beloved, He is the faillenow-in Heaven. Again, When He was upon the Earths He profeffed that His- heart,andHis love, and affeetions was as much<if I faynot more) unto one Saint, as unto all His kindred .t,.7, that are fuch. Eleffed are thofe that keep Thy Commandements: rev. 22. Eebold, (fay they) Thy Mother, and Thy ,Brother, and SiFier 14. are without to #eakwithThee ; Sales He, Wbofoever (hall do the Will of MyFather Which h. in Heaven, the fame is NJ Brother, 47' 5 °'' Sifter, andMother. As if He fhould fay, You count My kin- dred happy, becaufe they are neerunto Me ; but do you fee.one poor beleevingtrembling gracious foul I tel you, the foul that keeps My Commandements, is asmuch unto Me as all My kindred that are fuch, Here is love I And I fay, the Lord Jefus, His heart is the fame hill inHeaven. And therefore you (hall obferve, that when He was rifen- andcame amongft His Difciples, the lorebeing flint; He comes into the room and He faies unto them, Peace,be unto Lur you : Why Peace be unto you? (the 4Drditiary way and, manner: 5