Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Grace for Grace) Or the over-Hawing. of manner ofSalutation :) As ifHe would fay thus much un- to them, That they fhould find Him every way as courti- ous, and as loving towards them now being then, as He was before Liedied. And, my beloved, if lefus Chrifl fhould not be as gra- cious, and as kind afterdeath, as before; then His Difci- ples fhould be lofers by His death : But He prof& to them before Hedied, that they fhould not be lofers, but gai- ners rather. When our Lord Chrift was upon the earth, out ofHis love He died for us ; He loved us, and died for us : His love then roll Himmuch : Now that He is in Hea- ven He dies no more, He can love us at a cheaper rate. And (hall we think, that when He was upon the earth, He would lay down His life for us; and nowHe is in Heaven He won't (peak a good word for us ? Certainly, beloved, the Lord jefus is as full of love, and tender aflea:ion to- ward Hu nowHe is in Heaven, as He was upon the earth. Take grace for Love, and fo there is a fulnefs of grace in jails Chrift. That is the firth. Secondly, Take grace for Holinefl, and fo there is, Pie- nitudolantiitatis , a fulnefs ofBoline in jefus Christ. There areThree things in the old Teftament that were very Ho- ly, The Law : Thehigh Priefi : And the Temple. As for the Ceremonial Law, though it was very holy; yet in regard ofthe Spiritual commandof the Gofpel, and Chrift; the Ceremonials of the Law, in the book of the 1141'.7.16 Hebrews, is called the Carnal Command. And as for the high Prieft, though he had holinefs writ- ten upon his fore head ; yet therein he was but a type of Chrift. And faith the Apoitle in the book of the He- Heb . 7. brews : The highPriefi then whenhe offeredforothersfins, he of- 27. feredfirfifor his ownfins : But our high Fri& not fo. And as for the Temple, it was indeed very holy, the jer.7.4 Jews retied much thereupon : And therefore they cryed thrice, The temple, the Temple, the Temple ofthe Lord : But now ifyou look into the 6 .Chap. ofEfay, you Thal find that our Lord Chrift is there upon the 7emple5 and whereas they