Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrijqs 114receivedby all Saints. 7 they cryed Three times for the Temple, The Temple of the Lord, the Temple ofthe Lord, the Temple of the Lord : Three times this is ecchoed concerning Chrifi, Holy, holy, holy. (At the &ft verfe) Ifaw the Lord fitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His Trainfilled the Temple; His Train El- led the Temple. Above it flood the Serapbims : each had fix wings, with twain he coveredhisface, witb twain he covered hiss feet , and with twain he did fly, and one cryed unto another, andfaid, Holy, holy, holy. As if he fhouid fay : you that are the jewel., you cry out of the Temple ; The Temple, the Temple, the Temple : But here's holinefs, here's one that is holy, Holy, holy, holy. That this is to be underflood of Chrift, you may fee plainly, by comparing it with the 4. Chapter of the Revelations, at the 2. verfe : Immediately I was in the Spirit : and behold, a 7brone was fet inHeaven, and onefate on he Throne . (ash is laid in Flay) onefate on the Throne. And he thatfate was to lookyrpon as a jafPer, and a Sardine flone: And there was a rain-bow roundabout the Throne : And round a- bout the Throne werefour and twenty Seats, and there were four and twenty Elders, and_Par living creatures : (The difcripti - on ofthe Gofpel-Church) And (faith he at the 8. verle :) Thefourbeafis had each ofthemfix wings about him, and they werefull ofeyes within, and they refs not day and night, faying, Holy, holy, holy. (Mark) thevery fame expreflion that you have thereinEfay : he doth not fay thus, Righteous, righ- teous, righteous ; yUft, jufi, jufl : But Holy, holy, holy. Is there not then a fulnefs ofHolinef;in Jefus Chrift ? Piegive you but Two Demon firations of it. If-there were not a fulnefs ofHaineflin JefusChrifl,how is it poflible that God and man could be brought fo neer together, that were fo farafiinder ? Every man naturally is full of fin : You fayof the Begger,fle is full ofvermine, why ? becaufe hegoes to this door,to that door, and to a- nother door, and he .fcatters his vermine where efer he . comes, and thenian knowsknot : Surely therefore , the man is full of vermine. And fo..amannAtur4lly,droppingoindfcattering.his fins and