Ephol: 1.23. Gracefir Grace) Or the (iv r rwings of and not knowing of it, it argues he is ful °f lint. God, he is full ofHolinefs : whole eyes cannot endure to behold ini- quity : yet when men are converted and drawn to God, they are brought neer unto him : they are the apple ofHis eye : their names are written in the palme of his hand. I hat is, ( faies Lather) the hand is an inflrumentof work ; and when the names of the Saints are faid tobe written in the palme of Gods hand , it notes thus much (faies he ) That God in all his works bath an eye tollis Children ; God in all the works of his hands hath an eye to hisChil- dren.Theyare the friends of God,and God is their friend: When a man is my friend, not onlyhis Purfe is my friend, or his Eflate is my friend, or his longue is my friend, or his Hand is my friend ; but his Sword is my friend : So when God is a friend to any not only his &erg, is his friend, but the Sword ofGod is his friend ' the very Wrath of God is a friend to his Children : Such a great friendfhip there is between God and his people, fo neer they arebrought to one another. Well, but how are they brought thus neer ? They are brought neer by Jefus Chriit : inwhomwe have a Manuduaion, a leading by the hand ( faies the Apoftle) as the word carries it ) unto God the Father. Put now, could men fo full of fin, and God fo full ofGrace, andHo- lines be brought fo neer together by jefus Chrift, if there were not an infinit fulneffe ofliolinefs' in lefus Chrift ? Again ' If there were not this fulneffe of Holineffe in Chrift., how thould he be anointed with theoyl of glad- ner.ie above his fellowes ? The Saints themfelves are faid to be full ofgrace. The Church called, ThefulnerOof Chrift thatfilleth all in all : Stephen, Mary, others ; full of theholy Ghoft : Surely therefore, if fo much of the oyntment run down upon Ch rifts Members, there mull be a great anoint- ingupon Chrift himfelf : Surely, theremull be an infinit holineffe in Chrift, that moil ferve us all : And of his ful- neffe we have All received; we,haveAll receive4.' You will fay, But ifthe Saints be full of graceandiro- lineffe, hOw is this the property ofChrift ? Yes