Cbrifis Fulnei receivedby all saints. Yes , For though the Saints be full of grace, and hold /17 neffe -; yet their fulnele is but a fulnciie of Sufficiency , ( Mark ) whereby they aremade able to this, or that work Whereunto they are appointed : But the fulneffeofChrift, is a fulneffe of Efficiency , that filleth all in all. And there- fore 'tis Paid in thisChapter, The Lan, was given by Moles, Da 1. 17 but Grace, (Grace andTruth you read it) Grace and Truth came by Chrifi : theword will bear it , But Graceand Truth were made by Chrifi : Chrift is our Grace-maker. The fulneffe that is in the Saints, is but a Particular fulneffe. The fulneffe that is in CHRIST, is an VniverJall fulneUe Therefore faies the Apoille, It pleafed the Father, 001.1.19 that in himflcould allfitlnefi"dwel. All fulnee. The fulneffe that is in the Saints , is Inch a fulneffe as does ebbeand flow ; as theHaven is Paid to be full of wa- ter, yet fometimes 'tis empty : but there is a dwelling ful- neffe in the Sea : So there is a dwelling fulneffe in lefils Chrift : and therefore faies the Apoftle ' It plealed the Fa- ther, that in Him fhould all fulneffe dwel : Chi 'tis a dwelling fulneffe that is in Jefus Chrift, Our Righteoufneffe as we are diftin6t, or aberaEted from Chrift, 'ti s bufa fadingRighteoufnefle as the morning dew. Our righteoufnef( faies Hofea ) it ar the morning dew, in Hof6.4. regard of it's fading : But the holinefs, and righteoufnefs ofChrift, in the io.Pfahne, is called, The dew of the mor ning : not in regard ofit's fading nature, but in regard of it'smuch- nefs, in regardofit's multitude, becaufe it makes al dewy. So then it is a FilledFulnefs : It is a dwelling Ftil- nefs : It is a Glorious fulnefs, a fulnefs beyond all expreffi- ons. Thus, take grace for Holineff, and fo alfo, there is Plenitudo SanHitatis in Jefus Chrift. Thirdly, Take grace forGifts, or for Ability, and Ex- cellency : And fo there is, Plenitudo Excellenti1e, a fulnefs of, excellency in Jefus Chrift. Therefore faith the Apoffle, -He is able to fave to the uttermoll ; He is able to lave to all per- lick fe6lion, thofe that do come unto Him : He is able to fave to 7' 25' D the