Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

10 I Gracefbr Graced Or the over-flowing: of the utmofi ; though thou hallfinned to the utmoft, He is able to lave thee to the mama, Wouldyou have a proof ofHis Kingly fulnefs? (for He is bothKing, Prieft, and Prophet,)Look then I pray into the 1. Hebrews, at the 3 verfe. He is called the brightners ofHis Fathers glory.: Who being the brightnefl of His glory, and the exprel Image ofHis PerfOn, andupholding all things by the word ofHiy Po -perSwhen He badby Hirnfelfepurgedour fins, fate down on the right hand oftheMajefly on _High : He is made fo much better then the Angels, as He bath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name then they : For unto which of the Angels faidHe at any timee-c. Out (atthe 8. verfe) unto the Son He faith, Thy Throne, 0God,, is for ever and ever, a Scepter of righteoufizef; is the Scepter ofThy Kingdom. Here's the fulnefs ofHis Kingly Office. Would you havea proofofHis Prophetical fulnefs ? look into this Chapter where the Text lies, and it's laid, at the next verfe, the 17. verfe;. The Law was given by Moles but grace old troth came by lefiK Chri fi : No man bath feenGod at my time ; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosome ofthera- ther, He bath declared Him. Ye all count Moles a great Prophet ; fo he was : But Jefus Chrift was above him, in two, or three things here. ILiofes gave the Law Fut grace came by jefus Chrift grace and truth came by jefus ,Chriii. Mofes never lawGod, he lawHi &back fide : Chrifi bath, ohn, feenHim : No manbath feen Codat any time ; the only begotten is. Son, (Moles was but a fervant) the only begotten SC7h wbich is in thebofom ofthe Father, He bathdeclared Him. None Co ft to declare themind ofGod (which is thework of a Pro- phet) as He which hath lien in the bocom of cod the Fa- ther. Would you have a proof of His Prieftly fulnefs ? Pray look into the, 16. of John : (confider it chicly) faith be, brillfend the Comforter (at the 7. verfe) andHe Pall convince theworldoffin; andofrighteoufnefi (at the to. verfe) becaufe egoto 04father andye fee Me up more Mark thoie words : /,