Cbrijis Frdnej receivedby allSaints. Igo to My Father anelyefie Me no more. As ifHe fhould fay thus : You are indebted to God the Father through your tranfgreffions : I am become your furety & now I am rea.. dy to be call into prifon for your debt. the ave is to take hold uponme,Iam to lye by it for your fin, for your debt : But (faithHe now) Ile rife out of the grave, Ile comeforth ofprifon, Ile go to God the Father, and you (hall fee Me no more : hereas now, if I did not pay the whole debt when I came in leaven, God the Father IA ould fay toMe You are, inprifon for mans debt, hat doyouhere ? You have not paid the debt yet; go to prifon again, godown to prifon again. No (faith lie) but I go to My Father andye than fee Me no more : and therefore conclude 1 have paid the ful debt, Igo to .114yFather andyefee Meno more. Wouldyou have a proof of thrifts fulnefs of Excellency in general Look then I pray upon the 2. offlag. 7. there you have this exprefl on ofHim : He iscalled the defire of all Nations : I trill hake all Nations, and the defire ofall Aati- onsfk all come: (mark) the defire of all nationsfkall come. Chrill, our Lord jefus, is thedeitre of all nations. What is there in all the world that is the defire of all nations but Jefus Chrift ? SomeNations, Come Kingdoms, (as the Weft-In- dies) they are full of Goldand Silver, but they want Clo- thing; and therefore they defire Cloth. ether Kingdoms now, (as there of England, and the like) they have much Cloathing, and Cloath ; but they want Gold and Silver and they defre that : someNations they abound with Spices, and with Wines; but they IN ant Corn : and they defre that. Some Nations again, they have much Corn, I but they have no Wine, no Spices: and they defile that . Ch I but ourlord Jefus Chrift, He is the defre of All Nations, the defire ofiaNations. V1, hat woman, never fc, beautiful that thewholeworld was in love with ? jots C brifi the defire ofAll Nations. And, (faith the .Apcftle, Le bath in all thingsthe prehemiLence. If youwill, I will gather it up into a Syllogifme, thus : Ifjefus Chrifi be the defire of all Nations, and bath the preheminency of all the world; D 2 then