opened, 41/Llitn RIM . rr ictu-y-umce. 3 Cbrift at God, couldhave been merciful unto us, although ,Inf, he had not been made like unto us but not at our Elie There is4tnability of Sufficiency, and ofPower : and foChritt asGod, was able to tuccour thole that are temp- ted, although himfelf had never been tempted. But there is an abilityof idoneity, or Fluids, or Aptnefs and DiC. polition : and to the Apotile faies here, For in that Himfelf hath fufferedbeing tempted, he is able to fuccour them that are tempted. It's plain then, what that is, that isthe.great fupport of a Chrittian against all Temptations : wherein lies our fur- touragainst all Temptation, -namely, in thePriettly-Office ofJelinChrift. The Priefily -Office of Chrift, it it the great Magazine, and Storehoufe, of all that Grace, and Comfort which we have on this fide .Heaven It it that, whereby we are reconciled to God the Fo- ther, and relieved againfiall temptation. 2hit it the great thing 4bat thefe words holdfortb. And therefore, upon this account, the Apoille Pant, finding the Hebrew-es labouring under great Temptations, Doubtings, Fears, and much Unbeleef ; hedoes not only here, but all along in this book of the Hebrews, t:?pcia.the Priettly Office ofChrift unto them. And indeed, 'what comfortcanwehaveinGod but through Chrift and what comfort can we have in Chrift Bin-it-elf, but as he is cloathed with his Prefily-Gar- ment, with his Cfficeofthe High Prieft ? Vvhatfoever com- fort we have in the other Offices ofChrift, namely hisKing- ly, and his Prophetical ,Cflice, it isall Originated, and Prin- cipiated in alit : The Prickly C ffice of jefusChrift, it does give a Life, and Feing,and Efficacy toboth theother Cffi- ces. And therefore, the High Priett, in the times of theold Teftament, (whowas a Type ofChrift) hewore a Crown upon his head, and the breaft-plate ofVrint,ancl 7 l'itnknati upon his brealt thowing, that both the other Offices, the Kingly, and the Prophetical Office, wereplantedupon the Priettl Office of efus ,Chrift. d 2 Yeas