Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

114 If 2 T Cor. Z. 2' Fhil.3. 8 Applic. Duty. Obleg. , Grace for Grace, Or the over-flowings of then there is a fulnefs ofexcellency in JelinChrift :But our Lord Jefus is thedefire of all Nations, having the prehe- minency in all the world ; furely therefore, there is a ful- nefs ofexcellency in Jefus Chrift ; a fulnefs of excellency, a fulrrfs ofHoliners, a fulnefs ofLove : No wonder then that Pau/ faies, I defire to know, nothing, but efik and Him crucified: No wonder that He laid, I count all things but dung, anddrop; in comparifon ofthe knowledge of jells Chrift. Certainly, fitrely, there is a fulnefs of grace in Fetus Chrift. You will lay untome, We fee, we know there is a Ful neffe in Jefus Chrift, a Fulnefre of Grace : But now (by way of Application, ) What is our Duty that doth flow from hence ? Much every way : Twillinfilancein 4. or 5. particulars fo many Duties that do flow from hence. Firft, If there be Each a Fulneffe in Jefus Chrift, a Ful- nefs of Grace in Jefus Chrift 5 Then let all men come unto Him. There's none of us all here prefent, but labour under Comp, wants or other : Ch ! faies one ; I have a great Charge; fa mily, Parifb, or otherwaies ; and I want grate tomanage it. Oh I faies another : I have great and ftrong Temptations; and I want ftrength to refit} them. Oh ! faies. another : There are many Errors abroad ; I want know ledge todifcern them, and avoid them; I want wifdomto know the Truth, and) oyn with the Truth, and own the Trrith, and manifeft the Truth. Well, what ever your wants be, there is enough in JefusChrift to fupply it, there is a fulnefs in Him; why mould we not cotne unto Hint? Oh ! you that never tailedof Chrifts fweetnefs, that never yet partaked of His fulnefle 5 Come unto theLord Jefus that you may be filled for ever. You will fay,(it may be) I am a poor, weak, ignorant, limple man or woman ; a guilty creature.: and I am afraid for to come unto Hitri. Mark this. Put if Chrifts Invitationbe madetoyou ; then you will. not beafraid to come to 'Him. Now I prayyou look into- the