drifts Fulnef? receivedby all saints, the 9 Chap. ofthe Proverhes ofSolomon; See what an invi- tation is made upon this ground of Chritts fulnetre if- dam hath built her boufe. (by Wifdom, you mutt underftand Chrift, as will eafily appear by reading over the former. Chapter)Wifdom bath built her an houfe. (that is the Church) Sheba,h hewen out herfeven Pillars, (the firmneffe and beauty of the Church : Seaven is a noteof perfe&ion) She bath 'ill- ledher beafis, She bath mingledher wine ;She bath altofurnifised her table, Here is the Fulnetre of Chrift in His Church. What then ? S'he bathfent forth her Maidens, (that is, the: Minitlers of the Gofpel, who, as Virgins fhould be un- touch't, and undefiled by theworld) She crieth in thehigh places ofthe City : Whofo it fimple, let him turn inhither ; asfor him that wanteth underganding, fhefaith to him, Come, eate of my bread, and drinkof the wine which Ihave mingled. Pray obferve it, who are invited to pertake of this fulnefs; fim- ple ones : Who fo is fimple ' let him turn in hither. Oh ! 'but I amnot only fimple, and ignorant; but the Objet. Lord knows, I have no heart to good things. Seewhat follows,, Who ro is firnee, let him turn in hither : Anfw. and asfor him that wanteth heart, (to 'tis in the Hebrew) fhe faith to him, to him that wanteth heart, Come, eate of my breed, and drink ofmy wine which I have mingled. Oh ! is there ever a poor, fimple man or woman here ? one that complains, The Lord knows, I want a heart to what is' good ? The Invitation ofthe Lord Jefus, it ismade to you, it is made to you ; thinknot to fay within your felves, I am, afraid tocome to Chrift. I have read ofthe Senateof Athens, that once upon (lo- cation, they werecontirained to fit in the open fields : and being there fet in theopen fields: a poor chafedbird,a fpar- row , or the like; chafed by the birds of prey; came Hying to the bofomofoneof the Senators, for relcue from the birds ofprey : The. Senatorbeingofa churlifh difpo fition, he takes the poor, little, chafed bird, and throws it from him,upon the ground, and fo kil'd thebird : where- upon the Senate thadcan Order,that he fhould die himfell : they.