2 nu -Grace for Grace' Or the over-flowings of they would not have a man fo churlifh to be one ofthe Senators. And do you think, that theLord Jefus Chriff, when you come as apoor, chafed bird for fhelter into His bofom : Do you think that the Lord Chrifi wil throw you away ? No, no, as He is full of glory, and excellency; fo He is full oflove, and bounty : Whatever therefore thou haft bin (man or woman) whatever you have been: though you have been never fovile, Come unto jefusChrift, come unto Jefus Chrift. Ch :me thinks this DoEtrine that I have now preached untoyou, is a folemn, and a great invitati- on to every foul for to come unto Jefus Chritt & therefore come now unto Him,Come unto Chritt, Comeunto Chrift: Come Drunkard, Come Swearer, Come Liar, Come Un- clean perfon ; Ch Come, come : You that never tafted ofChriffs fweetnefs, you that never yet pertak't ofChrifis fulnefle 3 Come now Come for there is a tulnefie in Jefus Chrift. That's the firft thing. Secondly, Ifthere be inch a fulneffe in Christ; Then let us all trufi unto Rim, buildupon bim : And you that are the Servants, and People of Ccd unit, and truft perfeEfly Thereis no grace would Handus in more Head in thefe times. beloved ye al fee intowhat fad times we arenow fallen: 1 here is no grace (1 fay) wil Hand us in moreHead, or more able to turn away the evil that is now upon us, then faith is. Luther bath a notable Hory to this purpofe : There was (faith he ) a deadly contett, between a great Bill op, and a ruke ofSaxonie : T he Puke of Saxonie pre- pares for ar againft him : but before hewould come up- on him, be fends a Spy toobterve what theEifhop was a doing : 1 he Spywent : andbeing returned again ; Come (tales the Duke) what is the Eifhop a doing ? Sir (faies he) he is idle, and fecure, youmay fall upon him, and defiroy himwhen you wil : 1 (faies he) but what faies the Eithop? Sir, he faies thus : I will feed my flock, I will vifit the lick, I will preach the Gofpel 5 and as for the War, I will Toti- us Lehi molernreo cemmittere, I wil commit the whol weight and bulkof this War to CodHimfelf who fighteth for me.