Chrifis Fanepeceivedby all Saints. I (faies the Duke) did the Bifhop fay fo Bellum ei infe- rat Diabolu , non ego, then (faies he) Let the Devil take up Arms againft him if hewill, for I will not. Thus, thus faith, faith turns away the Sword, faith turns away War. And mybeloved, there is no fuchway, either tobeget, or increafe faith, as the fight, andconfiderationofthe fulnefs ofjefus Chri : Tbofe that knowThyName, (faith the Pfal- praim.9. miff) they will truct untoThee : How excellent is 7by Name, 0 10. Lord ; therefore do the children of men puttheir /ruff in Thee. palm; Beloved ! ye have heard`ofChrifts Name, HisName is ful 6 offweetneffe : Oh ! therefore, youServants, and People of 3 7 God, that have gon fearing, and tremblingup and down, drooping under many fears, without afliirance of Cods love inChrift; iftherebe fuch a fulneffe in Chrift, then truft unto Him : yea, truft, and trail perfeEtly toHim. If Satan come and tempt you,and faies thus unto you; Thou art a poor unworthy creature; and doff thou think to have mercy ? Anfwer, TrueSatan, I am fo indeed, molt un- worthy but there is a futile& in jefus Chrift, and I will truft in Him. Does Satan tempt thee, and fay unto thee; Thou art a poor guilty creature, and doll thou think to find mercy' Anfwer True Satan, conferie I am, I have committed fuch and fins; but there is a fulneffe in Je- fus Chrift, and I will truft in him : Say, fay Satan what thou wilt againft me, I fiibfcribeunto it : I ampoor, I am etrqty, I am unworthy, I amguilty : but Chrift is Full, Chrift is Full - there is Fulnee inJefus Chrift, Iwill truft v.nto Him. Oh ! you Servants of the Iord,Live much by Faith: there is a Fulnefle inChrift, truft unto it. And that's the fecond Thirdly, Ifthere be filch a fulnefs in Chrift Then Ws our duty todraw forth this fulnefl : let all men draw forth this fulnefs. That is done there Three wales Firft by a ferious, frequent, folemn confideration and 1 . eyeingof Chrifts fulnefs. For beholding as in a glafi (Tales the Apoftle) we are changed from glory to glory : The behol- ding ofCM fis glory, changesus intoglory.. 'Tis "