2. 3- 4 Duty. GracefirGrace, Or the over-flowings of ic drawn forth alfo, by our resting upon it in a time of Temptation. 'T is here in regard of Chriiis fulnels, as in regard ofC-ods mercy, or promife : (praymark it) My very reiling upon Gods promife in the time of a Temptati- on, does make it mine: my very telling upon His mercy in a time of Temptation, does make His mercy mine : and my I-citingalfo, or your rating upon the fulnefs of Chaff in the time of a Temptation, does make it yours. drawn forth alio by giving forth: As now, the Conduit, or Ciftern receives more water into it, by let- tingout the water which it hath. Pally, there may be much v aver in the Conduit, or much water in the Ciftern ; and the fountain may be willing to furnifh it with more, but 'tis lull already; therefore now, turn the cock, and let that run out which it bath received already, and it draws more into the Ciftern : So here beloved, our very ft:ending for Chrift receives fromChrift : the way to draw out His fulnefs, is to lay out His fulnefs ; as you do receive fromHim, fo to comunicate to other folk : this draws it out Well then, A fulnefsye'have heard there is in Chrift. This fulnefs is to be drawn out; ye hear alfo, how it is, or may be drawn out. Enter therefore into your Cham- ber, and when you are all alone ferioufly, frequently, think much of this Fulnefs ofjefus Chrift : and in the time ofyour Temptation, then reft upon it. And as it plea- feth jefus Chrift to give out any ofHis Fulnefs unto you,fo let it run out again uponother folk. And this is the third thing. Fourthly, If therebe fuch a fulnefs of grace in Chrifi ; 2ben let to all. labour to be like unto Him ; full of grace as Chrift, full of meeknefs, full ofhumility, full of Love e- l])ecially for there is a fulnefs oflove in Chrill. And yet, alas! when ever was there lee love, and more ftrife then now ? when ever leffe love among Profeffors? when ever more )(We then now ? Give me leave a little : Beloved in the Lord ! you fee, and knowwhat great divifions there are among us, great ilrifes. All flrife and envy arifes from an