.*IM.1 Chrifis Fulnef received by all Saints. I 17 an apprehenfionoffcantinefs, andnarrownefs in the thing defired. Now then, that whichwe do alive for; either it is more ofthe U crid . Cr moreof chriff. If it Ete more of the J#'orld that we firive for ; who (hall be molt Rich, who fhall have tnofi honor : if it be moreof the world that we ftrive for : Vr by ? Oh ! why fhouldwe ftrive for that Which tray makeus worfer, but cannot make us better? why ihouldwe ftrive for that, when as the very iiriving for it, will deprive us of it ?Ifit be more ofChrifi that we tithe for : (mark) if it be moreof:jeja chrifi, and more of Him that we ftrive for; 1 here is enough in Him, there is e- nough in jefus Chrift for to ferveus al. If iwo, or three, or fix, or twenty men be a thirft ; and they go to drink out of a Fettle: while one is drinking the other envies, be- caufe he thinks therewill not beenough for him too : put if now, five, fix, twenty, a hundred be a thirit; and go to the Fiver : whileone is drinking the other envies not : W by ? became there is enough to lave them all. Belo- ved if it be more or Chip that we ftrivefor, if it be, more ofjeftv Cbrifi that we fhWe for , there is a fulnefs in him, there isenough in Chrift , there is enough in jean, aria (ye have heard) to terve all our turns. Oft therefore, that there may be no more kriving, no more envy, no more contention, no more divifion, labor, let us all la- bor to be more andmore like unto jefus C,hrift : He was full ofgrace, efpecially hewas full of love, let us labor to to be like untoHim. In the fft; and Jail place : The fift Euty. If there be fuch a fulnefs in lefus Chrift : ?bon take heedhow we do any thing that may rob Chrifi of the glory of Hisfulnefi: Let all men take heed how they doany thing that may rob jefusChrift oftheglory of His fulnefs. As now, Suppofe that I think, and am perfwaded, that Tefus Chrift hath not givena fuf- ficient rule, bath not laiddown a perfea, a fufficient rule in the Word, for the Ordering, and for the Governingof the Churches : and therefore I will eek out what He hath donewith my own prudence : This robs him offin:glory E of 5 They