Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

18 Grace for Grace) Or the over-flowing! of ofHis Prophetical fulnefs. Or, fuppofe I think my fins are fo great, they can never be pardoned, fogreat, there is no hope for mercy : This robs Him ofthe gloryof His Priefity. fulnefs. Or, fiippore that I flint, and limit Chrift unto: this, or that particular means ofdelivering of the Church.; I know that Cod is able to deliver England, and todeliver. the Church ; but if He do not take this way, if He do not take thiscourfe, if this means fail, then we are all undone, then all, all is loft ifthis means take not : This is to rob - Chrift of the glory of His Kingly fulnefs; to flint Him to one means; to tie 'Him, and limit Him to one means. Or, luppofe that I fet myheart upon any Creature fulnefs; and fay as the whore laid in the 7 of the Proverbs, Come, and let 1st take our fill of love : Come friends, come company, let us go unto loch a Tavern, or Inch a place, where we may be fully merry : Come, 0my foul, take thy contentment in creature fulnefs, there is enough there : This robs Chrift- of the glory of all His fulnefs. Tocarry away the cuftom ofmy thoughts unto another Shop from Chrift, argues that there is-not enough in Chrift alone. Then, beloved toconclude all. Are there any here; (as I fear there may be too manyithat have thus robbed jefitsChrift ofthe glo- ry ofHis fulnefs ? I befeech you, in the Nameof the Lord jefus Chrift, whole fulnefs I have bin now preaching to you ; I befeechyou, in the fear ofGod, go into your Cham- ber, and be aloneawhile, and fall down befoce theLord, and fay thus untoffim, or to this purpofe : Ch Lord, I confefs it bath bin fo wth me: I have thought that there hath not bin a i-ufficient rule for the Government of the Churches and herein I have wronged Chrift in Eli3 Prophetical fclines , and the Lord pardon.this-untome. Lord ! I comers alto, I haue laid, many times, that .my fins are fo great, that there is no hope for mercy, that there is no hope for pardon ; herein I have wronged, the Priefi ly fulne.ls of Jefus Chrift : now the, Lard pardon this unto I cwefefa, Lord, I ha.ve Riuted thee; and' havelimitted i theee Li'