chrifis lnef? receivedbyall saints. 9 thee, and I have laid, many' titnes,in my haft ; ifthis means fail, then England is undone, the Church undone ; thus I have lin-awl thee, Lord : Ch ! herein I have wrong'd thee, and robbedChrift in His Kingly fulnels. Yea, Lord, I do acknowledge, and i do confers, I have gone to creature-comforts, and my heart hath taken a content andcomplacency, as if therewere enough there ; but now I fee there is a tulnefs in _frills Chria . the lord pardon me, that ever I let out my heart upon any creature- comfort, upon any thing but jelus Chrifl. You that have bin guilty; fall down, and humble your (elves be- fore the Lord ; and confider that there is a fulnefs in je- fusChrift, and labor to draw out this tulnefs from fiitn. Which that you may fo do, think on all there things, and the Lord bleffe them to you. 4444+44444444.+44444,4044.4^444444+ A-04 e+++.4.344.46+44...++4+++++1446.444444 SERMON II. jonN r. 16. AndofHis Fulnefihave all we received, evenGrace for Grace. vrAwsnqP Have made entrance into thefe Words in S056"4214*,1 a neighbouring Congregation : and Thal el now defire to go on where I left there. 84 ?eD2 Of, The Words hold forth, 1 hree,Great, Grand Propofitions. 2e eztidye,: }hit, That there is a Fulnef(ofGrace in 7efig Chrift. Secondly, That of His Felinef all we do receive. Thirdly, That we do receive ofHis Fulnef( evenGrace for Grace. Preached at Wap- ping. Aug .17. 1646