Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

-------- 20 Gracefor Grace) Or the overflowing: of The former Propofition I havedifpatched : and defire at this time to fpeak unto the fecond. All we do receiveofHis Fulnefs. OfHit Fulnehave all we received. The difficulty that lies upon. the Propofition is this : Who are meant here by this All Wee. Some there are that conceive, that by thofe words we are to underhand all the Creatures in Heaven., and Earth ; becauCe 'tis faid before, in the beginningof the Chapter ; That He is the light, that lighterh every one that corneth into the world. But though,the thing be true, that there is no Creature, either in Heaven, or Earth, but more or leffe is beholding to Jefus Chrift : for if Chrift had not ftept in upon the fall, Gods difplea- lure was fo great againti man, that he would prefently have broke up houfe : and the fin ofthe fall was fo heavie, that itwould have broken the veryAxel-tree oftheWorld, ifJefus Chrifi had not put toHis fhoulder ; according to Heb. i.3. that of the Apohle Hebears up all with the Word ofHis Po- wer : yet notwithilanding, all the Creatures in Heaven or Earth, cannotbe meant here, by this, All Wee : for all the creatures in Heavenand Earth,do.not receive Grace they may be faid to receive ofthe Fulneffe ofChrift ; but not Gracefor Grace. But(at the 12. verfe, 'tis laid) as many as receivedHim, to themgave Hepower to become the Sons ofGod, e- nen to them that beleeve in his Name. Now in Scripturephrafe, thole are faid to receive Chrift Hitnfelf, that do receiveHis Grace : and thofe that receive His Grace, receive Chrift Himfelf. Underhand therefore, by this, ,Al Wee, thofe that receive Him ; as ye have it in the 12. verfe, which is ex- plainecltobe, Them that beleeve in His Name. And then the Obfervation, or Doftrine lies plain before us, which isthis : That all theSaints; andPeopleofGod, dopertako,aftbeFulnefl of Cbrifi inaway ofreceiving. Doti. It