ChrijisFain" received by all S 2j It falls a funder into Two parts, Thus : Firft, That there is a communication oftheFulners of Teats (Thrift unto all Beleevers. Secondly, That whatfoever Graceor Holinefs the Saints have fromChrift, they have it in away of receiving. I than only fpeakunto the former at this time : There is a communication oftheFulnef?of jeful Chrift unto all Beleevers. OfHitFulncJl all 'am receive. (mark) There is a communicationofthe Fulneffe ofJefns Chrift,unto all Be- leevers. He is the fecondAdamwhich the Apoftle Paul fpeaksof, in the I Car. 15. Chapter, and the 45. verfe, The firfi man Adam was made a living foul, and the daft' Adam was made a quickning Spirit. The wholeworld is divided into Two great Houfes : As once in this Kingdom, There was the Houle ofTork; And the Houleof Lancafier. Sonow, the whole world is divided into Two great Houfes : The Houfe ofthe Firft Adam : And theHoule oftheSecond A- dam. The firfi man Adamwas made a living foul, and the laft Adamwas made a quickning Spirit : that is,look as the firft Adamdid communicate life unto all his feed : So the fecondAdam doescommunicate gPiritual life, and grace unto all his people. As by the frrti Adam, fin- and forrow, and death came into theworld; and foupon all man-kind: So by thefecond. Adam, grace and life, and - 'eternal life unto all Beleevers. There isa dealing out, a givingout of the fulnefs ofJefus Chriit unto all Beleevers. This will. appear. Firft ofall, by the Union that there is between Chrift, and a Beleever.r there is a glorious, a bleffed, an incompa- rable union between Chrift, and every Beleever, though hebe never fo weak, though hebe never. fo poor. There is a-onion between the Root5 and-the Branches; and by ver- tueofthat union, the Root fends forth life, and firength- into all the Branches: but yet notwithftanding, the Root- is not in the Branches ; nor the Branches in the Root, mutually, There is a unionbetween theHead, and the