22 2 Rea. Preb. 2. a8. Grace fcr Grace, or the ever-florins! of theMembers and by vertue of that union, the Head hath an influenceupon all the Members : but yet the Head is not in the Members ; nor the Members in the Head. But now, there is a union between Chrifi, and Ee/eevers: and Chriil is in them 5 and theyare in Chriit e in Chrilt, and Chriti in us. There is a glorious, and bleLed union between them. Now union is the cauee of communion, or communication : bread is united unto a mans body by -eating of it ; and fo by vertueof the union, tcrength is deri- ved into all the parts, into all the members ; and the nea- rer, and closer unto, this union is; themore full is the com- munication. Now though the union between (Aria, and a Peleever, be let out in Scripture phrafe, under filch Me- taphors as there : The Boot, and the Branches: T he Hof. band, and the Wife : And the Head, and Members; yet -none ofall thefe are able to reach it, not in all refpefts 'tis a glorious, and 'tis a bleffed, and incomparable union. And therefore, there muff needs be a conmnication of the fulnefs of Chriit to every Leleever. Secondly : My fecond re.alon I lay upon four Propofiti- ons : and fo than arife, and afcendunto the conclufion by feveral iteps, thus. Firft, 1 here is an infinitetreafury of Grace, and Holi- nefs in Jefus Chritt ; whereby He is able to fupply, and fuccour all thole that are tempted. Ifa man hath had a ftraight fhoe upon his foot, or a ftraight garment; he knows where it pinches, and accordingly he is able to get it mended. Now the Lord Jefus Chriff, He hath put on our flefh, and knows where it pinches : He hath bin cloa- thed with our flefh, and He knows every place whereit"pin- ches and accordingly He is able to fuccour. And there- fore(faies the Apoftle)He was' in al things tempted like unto ur, h It He might be able to fitccour thofs that are tempted. Jefus Chrift is not only, the Lord-Treafitrer of all our comforts; but the Lord Keeper ofal our graces. Theneerer any thing comes unto the Fountain of excellency, the more excel- lent it is : The Sun is the fountain -alight and the nee- rer