chrifis Fitinefl receivedby all Saints. rerany thing corner to the Sun, the more light it bath. Fire is the fountain ofwarmth, and heat; and the neerer any thing comes unto the fire;the more wartn it is. Why, The Veitie is the Fountain ofall Holinefs ; and jefus Chriti is fo neer unto it, as Mediator; that the Aponte faies, Ia Rim the fulnels of the God Head dtrels. And finely there- Col. 2.9- fore, there muft needs be an infinite treafuryofGrace, and Holinefre in Him. The Saints (youknow)of theUld-Teftament, theywere very Holy; /graham, and Ifaac, and iamb, and loleph, and Moles, and Samuel, and David, and Solomon; they were full of Grace, and Holineffe : and yet thefe were but types ofChrift, they werebat fhadows ofChrift. Now the type and the fhadow does fall inftnitly fhort of thething typi- fied, and of the fulaftance : And therefore, ifthere were much Grace, and Holinefre in things that were but a fha- dow ofChrift ; if therewas fomuch Wifdome, and Holi- neffe in othersof them that were but the type : Oh ! what, aninfink treafuryof Grace, and Holineffe muft there be in Chrift Himfelf. This is the firft Propofition. Secondly, As there is an infinit treafury ofGrace, and 2; olinefrehi JettsChrift: So whatever Grace, and holineis Chrift as Mediator bath received by God the Father; He bath not received it for Himfelf, but for others : Pray mark tt, Whatfoever Grace, andHolines is in jefus Chrift as Mediator, (I do not fpeakof Him as God, but as Media- for) He bath not received it for Hitnfelfe, but for others. Jefits Chrift was not Baptized for Himfelf, but for finners, flood in theplaceoffinners when He was Baptized. ;refits Chrift died not for Himfelf, but for n s.. VN, hen Chrift af- cended up to Heaven, He went not for Himfelf only but faith He; Igo to repare aplacefor au. And Co when Chrift 70,14.2. I received gifts ; (faies the Apofile) He rece;vedgifts for men ; Eph. 4.8 not for Himfelfe, but for others : He received gifts for men. Thewoman bathmilk in herbreafts, but not for her felfel but for her child.' The S'un bath abundance oflight in hisbody, 'tie notfor hirafelf,botfor the worId.1 And fo efits,