Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Grace for Grate) Or the overflowings of jefus Chri ft,Hebath received abundanceofgrace,and ho- line& ; but 'tis not for Lindell-but tot others, Ancithere- forepray mark what he taies, in :John, 17.19. Andfor their fakes Ifanttifie felf, that theyaij6 mighthefan& ifedthrougb the 7rutb . He does not fay, forMy ow n take do I lanai- feMy felf, but for their takes : Eor their.] akes ifantiifie my felt. that they alfo might befanttified through the7ruth. There are certain Official parts in thebody (you know) that {land as. Cfficers unto all the reft. Theft ontack hath a great deal of meat in it, but it bath not that meat fot it felt, but that it may communicate to all themembers. The liver hath a great deal of blood in it but the liverbath not the blood in it for it felf, but that it maycommunicate it ontoall theparts. And thebead, it bath all the fences feated in it, itbath many fpirits ; but not for it fell, but for theman- bers. Sojefus Chrift, who is the Head ofthe Church : whatfoever Grace, and Lolineffe ' as Mediator, He, bath received ; Et hath not receivedfor himfelfe, but for o- thers. Thismay make the Saints, and Peopleof'God to come with boldneffe to the Throne of Grace: Hath Chrift received for others, & not for Frimfelt Then why not for me ?lord, why not for me Now youThal fee that further proved in the 61 Chap. of Efay. the I. (9- 2. viler. The Spirit ofthe Lord God it on me, becaufe the Lord bath anointed me to preachgood tidings unto the meek-, Re bathfernmeto bind, the broke_n hearted, to proclaim. liberty to the captives, and the open- ing oftheprifon to them that are bound. [oproclaim the accep- tablejeer ofthe Lord, and the day of vengeance ofour Gid,to com- fort all that mourn : They are the words of Chrift,, fpoken in thePerfon ofChrift : as ifhe had faid thus : There are a generation ofmen in the world, that are taken captive by their fits and liebound in chains, and irons bySatan: and they arebroken, and bowed down greatly under the burden ofthem : Now God the Father, He hash defign'd me,togo open the prifon dores to thee poorcaptives : and becaufe God the Father bathdelign'd me to it; therefore the