cbrifis Fu!Fiefs' receivedby all saints. the Spirit ofthe Lord is upon me, (not inme) therefore the Spirit ofthe Lord isuponme, becaufe the Lord hath anoin- ted me to preachgood tydings unto the meek. So that you fee now, that anointing that falls upon the head of Chrift, it falls not upon Him for Himfelf, barely, but that it may run downupon all His members. That is a fecond Propofition. Thirdly, Asthere is an infinite treafury of grace, and holinefs inChrift : which He hath not received for Him- felf, but for others : So in the third place,) there is an in- finite propenfion, and willingnefs in Jefus Chrift to com- municate this grace unto the childrenofmen. Pray mark it : There is an infinit propention,and willingnefie inJefus thrift; to communicate , and give out his grace unto the childrenof men. He is faithful ( faies the Apofile) in all His houfe as Moles was. Now if Jefus thrift fhould receive gifts for men,for others; and then run awaywith all,and notbewilling to give themout; Hecould not be faithful: butfaithful He is. Look I prayfor this in the t 6. Pal. 2 v. Thouhalllaid unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord, my goodnefl not for thee : butfor the Saints that are in the eartb,andfor the excel- lent in whom are all my delight. You reade the words thus : Thouhaft Paid unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord ; my goodneffe extendeth not to thee. But in theHebrew, the word extendeth is not. Thou art myLord : my goodneffe not for thee : but for the Saints that are in the earth. That thefe words are fpoken ofChrift. Prayreade the Four laft verfes : Ihavefet the Lordalwayes before me : (at the 8.ver. becaufe He is at my right hand, I fball not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, andmyglory rejoyceth : myflefbalfofhallreflin hope. For thouwilt not leave myfoul inHell; neither wilt thou fuffer thy holy One to fee corruption. Nowcompare thefewords with what theApofile faies inAtis, 2. 25. David ffreaktb concerning him,(mark) For Iforefaw the Lordalwayes before my face, he is on my.right hand,'Pall not bemoved: Therefore did myheart rejoyce , and my tongue wasglad: Moreover alfo , my PP,fhall reft in hope : Becauft thouwilt.not leave myfoul in bell, F (the