Joh I. Grace for Grace) Or the over-flowings of ( the famewords ) neither wilt thou Pifer thineholy One to fee corruption. Mark what is laid tken,at the z9.ver. the Apo file proves, That thele wordsof the halm, mutt needs be underftood ofChriti, and not ofDavid. lkien anti brethren, Lieshe ) let mefreely fi eakiinto you of the Fatriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his Sepulcbe with us unto this day, Therefore ( faies he) thefe wordscannot be un- derfiood of Atvid, but mit be unclerftoodofChrist. Now then , this ialm being thus to be underflood of Chritl, fates Chria, Lord, thou art my Lord : my goodnefi a notfor thee : butfor the Saints that are in theearth, andfcr the excellent in whom 14 all my delight, - 1 hey are mydelight, and there- fore w hat goodnefe I have from thee, l amwilling to give it out againunto them ; becaufe al my4elight is in them. Do you not think, that a man is willing to eat his meat when he is a hungry ? Fray look into the 4. chapter of "John, and you fl all fee what was Chritis meat ,verfe the 34.) 3 faith unto them, My meat is to do the will ofFlint that fent Me, and to jiniih His Work. My meat is to do th&will ofHim that Lent Me : W hat is that ? Finifb His Work...: hat is that ? You reade before in the, 61 Efay, That the Spirit ofthe Lordwas upon hini : andGod the Father hadanoin- tedRim to open the prifon door. Now therefore (faith. He look how. .willing a man is to eat his meat when he is a hungry : 4o willing am I to l el eevepoor finners, to open the prifon dore to poor captive fouls. Tender hearted Mothers, are you willing to give your Children fuck ? to have your brealls drawn ? Yes:' hy fo? Truly, not only becaufe ofmy child, but the truth is, unlefs my breath be drawn 'tis a pain to : not only for my child there- fore, but for myown cafe alio, you will fay. Vi hy, bre- thi.en, the Humanityof -)efus Chri ft, is (as I may fo (peak) thebreafis ofthe Deity - bywhich we fuck out all the ho- line's, and grace which we have : and if Jefus Chrifts breai's be not drawn, He counts it a pain to Him. And therefore. He complains loin the Gofpel : I came unto mine own, and mineown received me not.;; They will not drawMy breafis;