Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrilis Fulnefl receivedby:all Saints. He madewithNoab ; as you reade in the 54. Chapter of E.. fay,the 8. and 9. verfes In a little wrath Ihidmyface from thee, for amoment ; but with everlallingkindnef; will Ihave mercy on thee: fat& the Lord thy redeemer : for this is as the waters ofNo- ahunto me : for as Ihavefivorn that the waters of Noah fhould no more go over the earth ; ro have I fworn that I would not be wrathwith thee, nor rebuke thee. Mark, TheCovenant God would makewith His people, is like the Covenant that He made withNoah : TheCovenant that He made with Noah, what is that? Pray now look into the, 8. Chapter of Gene- fis, & the 2 1 verfe. Noahbeing come outof the Ark,and of- fering unto theLord ; The Lordfinei'd afweet favour : andthe Lordfaid in His heart, I will not again curfi thegroundany more for mans fake for the imagination of mans heart, is evil from his youth. I think it fhould rather be read thus, according to theHebrew : I will not again curie the ground any more for mans fake although the imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth . although: ye read it,for: I wil not again curie the ground any morefor. mans fake; for, the imagi- nation ofmans heart is evil from his youth : Onewould thinkHe fhould rather fay thus : I wil curfe the ground a- gain, and Iwill bringa new fiouti, for the imagi nation of mans heart is evil fromhis youth. No but the Covenant that GodmadewithNoah was thus : I do nowmake a Co- venant with man- kind,that theworlathall never be drow- ned again; yea, Though mando ifm yet the world thali not bedrown'd again This is theCovenant that the Lord made with Noah : The.Lord did not make Inch a Cove- nant as this : I do- prornife, that the world fhall not be drown'd again,- if mando not fin. No but the Cove- nant that the Lord made with Noah was,thus But I pro- mile the world {hall not be drown'cl again, Though men do finagain : this is theCovenant the Lord madewith Noah : it was fo far from runningupon a condition, that it runs croile to all conditions: So now the Lord faies concer- ning-a poor &leaver : I dolake this foul into Covenant with Me:.:. Yea, and. Though he do fin, yet notwithflan- ding. ) 29 ..........