28 ( Gracefor Grace, Or the over-flowings of 4. Efah4; 13. .1.124 2 2 31i3?. SY are noPrecedaneous conditions: Grace is free, andMer- cy is free, and Chrift is free, and His Love is free : there is an infinite Propenfion in Jefus Chrift, to communicate this His Grace to the childrenof men. This is the.third.Pro- pofition. Fourthly, As Chrift is ininitly willing : So Oa the Fourth place) there is nothing, either in Heaven, or in earth that can hinder Him from doing al. For now, grant all the former Three : That there is an infinite treafury of Grace inChrift. 1hat He hail not received it for filinfelf, but others. That He is infinitlywilling togive it out un- to. thechildienofmen. Yet, if Hecan be hindreci, ; al the former is nothing : Mark therefore the.Fourth, (and.then we.come to the.Life.) There is nothing, either in Heaven, or Earth, that can hinder Jefus. Chrifilrom communica- ting His Grace. Iwork, (faies God) andwho. !ball let? And I communicat My grace gales Chrift) and who (hall hinder ? If any thing,can hinder it mutt be either Satanwithout us, or our fins within us : Satan without cannot. hinder, he could not go into the herd of(wine, hecould not deftroy a bog, a low, a, pig till he had leave from Chrift : and can Satan hinder then, when Chrift intends to communicate His grace? He iscalled the Prong man, butChrift is called the stronger than he.. Peter, Peter (faies our Saviour) Satan bath defiredto winnow,thee ; bvt I have prayed that thy faith fail not. I, one prayer, one prayer by Jefus Chrift is firon- ger thamall the temptations of Satan: Satan cannot hin- der. Nor can our fins within hinder. For if you look in- to the 2Chapter ofTitto : 'tislaid there, at the 4. verfe, Hegave Hintfelffor ui,that Hemight redeem to from al iniquity. Iffrom Alliniquity, then from unbeleef. Then unbeleef cannot hinder. Ifa King come on purpofe to pardon All Rebellion :ifhebe able, and willing,and come on purpofe to pardonAll Rebellion: : then no One Rebellion canhin- der, can.b.e a rearonwhy he fhOuli not pardon. TheCove- nant that,GocLatakes witb.His,s is liikes theC9venant.that He