Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

it Gracefir Grace), Cr the over-fic2vings of ding I will pardon hitt); and this foul (hall never lye tin- der water again, than never lye under water again : his fin [hall not hinderMy grIce; he (hall never lye under wa- ter again : for as the Covenant I madewithNoah, fuch is the Covenant I make with every beleever. And beloved, if indeed that we could hinder Chrill, whenHe comes to communicate his grace ; if our fins could hinder : then we might refill grace, with an Overcoming refifiance. 'Tis true, a manmay refill thegrace of Cod, with A gain fay- inglrefi ance;' he cannot refill the grace of Cod, with an aVerconiing refillance: hatfoever is overcome, is overcome by a itronger : Man, (I fay) cannot refill with an overcoming reftance. Pray do but confider well the Ezek.36 Covenant of Grace : faies theLord in that : I will take a- 26, 27, way the heart'offirite, and I mill give an heart of f and I will caufeye toW:,,iik in my waies andImillput 11/fy Sp;rit in- toyou. I will take away the heart of done : NA, hat is that ? a lone is hard, a hard thing does not yeeld to the touch, a loft thing yeelds. Pharaoh had a hard heart, and there- fore heyeelded not When.therefore, theLord makes fuch a promifeat thisy T svi7l take array the heart of : hat is His meaning ? His 'meaning is plainly, I will take away the un-yeelding, the refilling difrofition that is in man. Now therefore, when the Lord makes fuch a promife as this-:. That He'rrill put liif them: and .caul them to Malkyn His -waies: Our 'refilling can be no hindrance: Why? becanfe the Lord hath made a promife to take a- way our,refifting. If the Covenant had run thus : I will put My Spirit intoyou, and caufe you to Walk in My wales ; upon this condition, that youdo not-rkfiCt4hwe could hinder : but iheLord in the faille promifetsRatf fiedoes fay, Iwill put My Spirit into them, and caufe ftlotrri o walk in My waits : He dothalfo promife to take away the refilling heart, to take away the fpirit of refilling. I will take a- way the heart offtone : there's the refilling : And I will caufe them to Malkin 11,1y wales. -So that our Ins cannot hin- der. Now