Chrifts Fulne received by all stunts. Now then, put al thefe together : There'san infinit trea- fury ofgrace, and holinel's in jefus Chrift. This He bath not received for Hitufelfe, but for others. There is an infinite propenlion; aridwill grief's in -Ellin, to give out this grace unto the children ofmien. Aridnothing either in Heaven or earth can hinder Him : Surely therefor, there is the Communication oftheFulriefs ofJefus Chrift,, unto all Eeleevers You will fay unto me then : Why are Beleevers thenfo ObjeiFf, empty of Grace'? 'Tis the ordinary complaint : Oh ! tam full ofevil : Ohmy heart is empty of allthat is good : Be- leevers they complain thus: How can this Doetrinebe true, ifthisexperience begood ? I anfwer: Firft, The Fulneffe_ of Grace which is in a n fro Eeleever,is rnany tittle', hid from the wort&and from him- felf: When yougo torheSea- fide, you fee the water,you fee abundance ofwater; St ye hear thewaterroaring, and raging, and making a noile : but youdo not fee theCold, and'the Silver that lies at the bottom ofthe tea : you fee theater Of the. Sea but you donot fee theAvealtlythat is in theSea. 'S&now; whenyou'go and look upon a:Eelee- ver you behold his troubles, you fee his waves, and al the troubles that beat upon him : Oh! but the wealth ofa Be- leever; the Vulneft of a, Eeleever, theFulnes ofChritt that is hi hith; that you feenot,. 'tis hiafrorti-theworld;, and 'tis hid from himfeif, nianY times. And therefore (Taies the Apoftle) Our life it hid with God inChrift : When Chrift coll. who is our krefh all appear, then Pall we alfo appear with Him 3, inglory. 4- Secondly, Though there be a communication of the 2 Fulnefte ofChrift unto all Eeleevers : yet He does commu- nicateas a univerfal Caufe. The univerfall Garde cloth feldomor never produceparticular effe&s, but with a con- currence of particular Caries. The Sun is theuniverCal Caufe ofall the fruitfulneffe that is upon the earth : Yet notwithftanding, it does produce the Fruit, (your Come, Early, and Rye, and Wheat;) with the help of man : The ground