Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Ppened, an a s s Prieftly-Office. Prieftly office ofJefus ChM? What is the whole body of And-chriftianifme, but an invafion upon this Prieftly Of- fice ofChrift? What is the Popijh Nage, (that anbloody _Th e) ilIce,) but a derogation from the Sacrifice of Jens Chrift once upon-the Croife, and fo a derogation from his Prieft- ly Office? What are all thole Popifh Penances, and fatis- fa&ions injoyn'cl, but a derogation unto the facisfaaion of lefat3 Chrift, and fo unto the Priettly Office of Chilli ? 'What is all their praying toSaints, and Angels, but a de- rogation unto the Interceffion of Jefus Chrift, and fo unto the Prieftly Office of Chrift ? What does the Pope call hirnfelf? He cats himfelf, the High Priefi, the very Title 'Apecesp's that our Lord, andSaviour takes unto himielf. So that the whole body of Anti-cbriflianifine, is a great invalion upon the Priefily Office of JeJis Cloriji. Now that which is ufually oppofed moll by the men of the world, that Excellency, and that Attribute ofChrift, is of all other the moil conr- fortable, and beneficial unto Gods people. The truth is, This Prieftly Office of Jefus Chrift, is an Officeofnicer love, and tender conwaffion ; created, and fet up on purpofe, for the reliefe of poor diftreffed litmus ; there is no mix- tnrceofterrour with it : there is a miXture of terrour with the other Offices of Chrift. The LordChrift, he is King, and he bath a Kingly Office, and byhis Kingly Office he rulesover the Churches, and-rules over all the world : But all donot obtain mercy that he rules over. As for theft mine Enemies, that will not fubmit , will not have mee to Reign over them, bring them, and flay them before, mee. TheeProphetical office of Jefus Chrift, it extendeth unto many that fhall never be laved.: Light Pines in darknef?, and darlmejle tornprebendeth it net. He came amto his -own, and his own received him not. Brut now, where e- ver the Prieftly Office of Jeihs Chrift islet forth. upon foul, that foul fhall certainly be faved for ever. What was the great reliefamongft the .lewes againft their fills? The Jewes., you chaff obferve they had many reliefs: when they werein the wildernefs, and.were Rungwith the fiery