32 Gracefor grace) Or the over-flowings vf .4. ground is plowen, andCowen. The River, or the Foun- tain is the univerfal Caufe of the Water that yee have in your houfes : but yet notwithftanding, you have not this Water, but by pipes, and conveyance ; andwhen ye want water in your horde, you do not fay ; There is nowater in the Thames, there's no water in the Fountain : No, but furely thepipe is broken, the pipe is ftopt; or we want Tome pipe or other. So now, when youwant Grace, and when you are emptyofGrace; you are not to fay ; Oh it is becaufe there is not enough inChrift, or Chrift is not willing; but rather, rarely thepipe is broken, or we want this, or that Ordinance : thepipe is not clean, thepipe is ftopt, and therefore we arc Co empty ofGrace as weare. Thirdly, Though there be acommunication oftheFai- lle&of:Chriftunto all Beleevers : yet notwithftanding he does it in proportion. (Mark) Chrift does give unto every man according to theplace that he bears in his body : As the foul, the foul fends forth life, and motion to all the members ; but the foul does not givea hearing facultyunto the eye, northe foul doesnot give a teeing facultyunto the earc ; neithercan the foot fay, I have nothing from the foul, becaufe I cannotfpeak like the tongue : neither can the tongue fay, I have nothing from the foul,becaufe I can- not walk like the foot. So the LordJefus Chrift, He doth obferve.what place every man doth bear inHis Body, & ac- cordingly He doth give forth Grace untomen. You can- not fay thus : Surely, I have none ofChrift, becaufe I can- not pray, and do fo as others.do : But mark; what is the place that you do bear in the Body of Chrift, andyou may go to Chrift for ihength for that : youmay fay thus, Lord through thy Grace thou haft given me fuch a place in Thy Body, and I want Iirength for that; 0 I let me have it from Thee Fourthly, Though there be a communication of the Fulne&ofChrift unto all Beleevers : yet 'tis according to their neceilities, and wants. The lace (you know) 'tis laidupon the Team ; upon theTeam there lyes the lace : lace indeed,