ChrifisFulnef receivedbyall saints'. indeed, may be laid upon the whol cloath ; but ordinari- ly, your Liken-lace, your filver-lace, your golden-lace; 'tis laid upon the learn. Now the Lord Jefus Chrift, He knows all the learns ofyour life, all the learns ofyour life : there he l aies his Golden-Lace on. Mark therefore, what are the learns of thy life, and fee ifChrift hath not laid on fomething there. Take but thefeFourConfiderations together, and there is a fufficient Anfwer to that ObjeEtion. I come to the Application. And whilii I nand upon this point : Methinks here I fee, z . the tranfcendant excellency of the Saints, & ofreleevers; and the betternef;oftheir condition, above the men of the world, though they be never fo Rich, orGreat,. Belo- ved ! Every man is according to the fulneffe that he doth live upon : 1 here is the Fulneffe of theEarth ; TheEarth i r Conic, the Lords, and theFulneg thereof. Andwicked men, they 26. arePaid to be filledwith this : Whofe bellies Thou fillefl with hid7reafores.Pfalme the 17. And there is the Fulneffeof Jefus Chrift : And of this Fulneffe the Saints,and Eeleevers doall receive, and partake. Look therefore,what a diffe- rence there is between thefe fulneffes ; The fulneffe of the Earth ; And the Fulneffe ofJefus Chrift : Inch a mighty difference, in point ofexcellency, there is between a Felee- ver, though he be never fo poor : and a wicked man,thongh he be never fo rich. Give me leave a little, to open the dif- ference of thele Fulneffes toyou; that fo you may fee the differencebetween men, and men, and be incouraged un- to a godly courfe. F hit, The fulnefs ofthe world, it is a fulnefs made up ofmany things. Martha, Martha, (faies Chriff) thou art Lu410. beefed about many things. 'T is a fulnefs made upof many 41- things; and therefore not a Homogenial fulnefs : The fulnes ofChrift is a fulnes made up of one thing,theDeitie, in whom theGod. head dwells ; and therefore 'tis aHomo- genial fulnefs; everypart of it is fulnefs : every part of a G Homo- 33