Grace for Grace) Or the over-flowingof Homogenial body, hada the name of the whole : Every part ofwater, is called water, though it be but a drop: Every part offire, is fire, though it be but a (park : AndE. very part of Heaven, it is called Heaven, though it be but a corner ofHeaven. And fo, every part of the Fulnefs of letias Chrift, is fulnefs. As the Philofophers fay of the foul, Anima tote in toto, that the foul is,wholly in the who", and wholly in every part : So the Fulnefs of Chrift, 'tis wholly in the Church, and 'tis wholly in every Beleever. Every Beleever may come and fay, I have all atilt. But as for the fulnefs of the world, every one that hath the worlds inlneis cannot fay fo ; 'have all the worldsPune./1. Secondly, The fulnefs ofthe earth, is a fulnefs made up ofthe worfer rhings . The world, it is a great Body, and it hath in it ibme things that are ofa groller, more droffy nature : and fame things that are ofa finer nature. The fulnefs of theearth, it is of the droffy, and thegroffer part of the world : Oh ! but the fulnefsofChrift, it is of the finer part ; and the fulnefs that does come fromHim unto Beleevers, thebell of thebells ; wine ofthe lees ; and mar- rowout of thebones and wine well refined; 'tis of the fi- ner part of the world ; The other is but the groffer, the thicker, the dirtier, the more groffer part. Thirdly, The fulnefs ofthe earth, is a fulnefs that runs into emptinels 3 a fulnefs that bath an hole at the bottom : Like unto an hour glaffe ; if you turn it up, the upper part of the glaffe is full of land : but becaufe it hath an hole at the bottom, and there flands a glaffe beneath it as big as it fel f it empties it (elfinto that glaffe. Then you turn up the glaffe again, and that is full : but becaufe that hath an hole at the bottom, it runs out, having an empty glaffe beneath it, and this fulnefs runs into it. So now, 'tis with the worlds fulnes : a man he bath a great elate, he bath his glaffe full of land : I but becaufe his children, and his family fiands under him : his land runs into them, and he is loon emptied ; he is loon emptied in- to them. Then,.when the father is dead, and gone ; and bath