drifts FnIne receivedbyallSaints. bath erptied out his fulnefs into his children ; the chit- drois glaffe is turird up , but theyhaving children under them, and Ironic under them: their land alfo, is foon run out. it runs out into emptinefs. L bus, all the fulnefs of the world 'tit but a fulnefs that bath a holeat the bottom, that runt into emptinefs. Ch s but the fulnefs of Jens Cbriti., the fulnefs of Jefus Chrill it is a dwelling fulnefs lls fulnefs runs out into Leleevers, & yet Fe is ful In I im he fulnes of theCod headduels,it dwelleththere. Fourthly, 1 he fulnefs of the Earth, it can never tatis- fie the better part of man, [the foul j it can never fatisfe that. All fatisfatiion , and cuntentryent ariles from the conjun &ion, or a Convenient with a Convenient ; the con- junEir on of fut4bles. If a n an have never togreat an Eftate, if his heart be not futed to it,he ha h no content. if a man have never to fmall an fiate, if his heart be tuted to it, he it content. 'to that ricw. all content arifes from fu table- nefs, the capita abort of futables. hat futableners is therebetween the fulnefsof the earth ; and the better part of man, the foul r N ark. Properly a thing is never taid to be full, till it be lull of that for which it was made : A -Mans Cheft, a Chenor 1 nark is not laid to befull of aire; -though it be ful ofaire: yet notwithftanding, we fay the Chea, or Trunk is empty, becaufe 'tis not fil'd with that for which it was made. And fo, take one of thefe meetingFicufes though theplace be full of iiooles , yet nottvi hflanding though (I lay) the placebe full offtools, or full ofair: yet we lay, theChurch is empty: becaufe though it be full, yet 'tis not full ofthat for which it was made, full ofpeople So now, take a man that bath all the fulnefsof the earth becaufe that his foul was never made, his better part was never made for the fulnefs of the earth.. therefore he is laid tobe empty, in the midft of all his fulnefs his heart is empty; and the man is an emp- ty man, becaufehis heart is not full of that for which he was made, and that is Chrift, that is Chrift: the fulnefs ofChrift inhim; he is an empty man all this while. Oh G 2 but 5