Gracefor Grace) Or theoverflowing: of but the fulnefs ofJefus Chrift, is a foul-fatisfying fulnefs : 7ob.4.14 He that drink!: ofthe water that Ifhall give him (faits He) (hall Pfal. 17. never thirft again. When Iaw4ee (faies the Pfains2fi) Ifball 15 bejatisfiedwith thy likenefe, And that is a Fourth. 5 Fiftly, The fulnefsof the earth cannot commend a man untoGod,or make himmore lovely or beautiful in the eyes ofGod. The poor, vain, fooli(h ftage-player thinks him- felfa brave, anda jolly man while he is in Kings cloathes; or while he is a&ing the part ofa King : but the wife fpec- tator, he faies r And is he that does but a& the Kings part, or hath the rings cloaths on, fo brave a man what is a King indeed ? Beloved ! theLordHe fees all we have, and do ; (hinds by as a wife freEtator ; and when men brave it out with rheworlds fulnefs : 1, what then is the man, that a&s the Fulneire of Chrift I Is he fo brave a man that bath a poffeffion here, land, and houfe ; What is he then that hath an eternal inheritance ? Ifthere fall but the leaft dropof the Fulnefs of Chrill upon a foul, it makes the foul lovely, and beautiful in the eyes of God. Pet. 3. 4. The Apofile fpeaking of the adorning of women: faies he (at the 3 verfe) Whole adorning, let it not be that out- ward adorning, of playting the hair, and, of wearing ofgold, or ofputtingon ofapparrel : but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is incorruptible; even the Ornament of a meek, and quiet Pit, which is in the fight ofGodofgreat price. As if he ihould fay : All other Ornaments, plaiting of hair, and gold, and the like; is ofno price in the eyesof God : Oh but a quiet fpirit, and a meek fpirit ; one drop ofthe Fulnefs ofChriff falling upon the foul, makes the foul lovely in the fight ofGod ; is ofgreat price. 6. Sixtly, The fulneffe oftheEarth, is a fulnefle that is mixt with poilon, fin. & rhecurfeof God. What pleafure or delight can a man take in drinking,when heThal confi- der with himfelf, that poifon is mixtwithal ? this is good, or Tweet liquor (Tales he) indeed :Oh ! but there is pollen in the Cup ,and therefore Iwil not meddle with it. Take all the. Fulnefreofthe world ; and if it be not mixt with the