Chrs Falneff received by all Saints. 37 the Fulneffe ofJefus Chriii, there is poifon in k the Curie ofGod in it, thewrath ofCod there : and therefore, what pleafure, what contentment can aman take therein, with- out the Fulnefleof jefus Chrift ? Seventhly, The Fulneffe of the Earth is a defiling Ful- 7 nefs. When a thing is mixed with any thing that is worfe than it fell, it is defiled thereby : If filver be mingledwith gold, the flyer is not defil'd thereby, becaufegold is better than the filver : but if filver be mingled with lead, the fil- ver is defil'd, becaufe mingledwith fomething that is worfe than it felf. So now, ifa man be mingled with Spi- ritual, and Heavenly things, his heart is not defil'd there- by, becaufe they are better than himfelf: but if a mans heart be mingled with the things ofthe world, his heart is defil'd ; becaufe 'tis mingled with fomething that is worfe than himfelf : and the more a mans heart is mingled with the things of the earth, the more defil'd it is. As a dog, that hath bemir'dhimfelf, the more he fawnes uponyou, the more he dirties you : If you take a dog abroad with you into the fields, andhe run intoa dirty ditch, or the river; afterhe is dirty, you will not fuffer him tocome neer you , and themore he fawns uponyou, and leapsup- on you themore he defiles you. Truly, inch is theearths, and theworlds fulnefs : as (Ifay) a dog,themore it fawns upon you, and falls upon you, the more it defiesyou :Ohl, but the Fulneffe ofJefus Chrift is apure Fulneffe,a Fulnefs that is full ofpureneffe. Eightly, Takeal theFulneffeoftheworld, and though 8. it be never fo much,it fals under your expeetation : Sink your expe&ationas low as you can, andyet notwithflan- ding, it wil fall below your expe&ation. Asfor the Ful- neeof Jefus Chrift, raife, and fcrue upyour expeEtadon as high as you can, and yet you 11141 findmore therein then ever youexpe&ed. Ninthly, As for the fulneffe of the earth, fomtimes 'tis 9. betterwanted than injoyed: It maymake you miferable, it cannot make you happy. Oh ! buttheFulneffe ofTerns Chrift