Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

3g Grace for Grace, Cr the cver-flowitigs of aria, it can never make you microbic, it will certainly makeyou happy, there is no inch time, wherein 'Cis better wanted, than injoyed. Tenthly. As tor the Folnefreoftheearth,(again) It costs amanmany times mote than 'tis worth : it costs him his Time, his precious Thoughts, his 3 much is laid out forit, much care to get it, much tear to keep it, and much grief to foie it. Ch but the Fulnetieof ,Jesus ChM, it colts him nothing : Come, buy Pk ine, andk. ilkwithout mo- ney, , or money Chriit gives much, and takes little, takes nothing it colts younothing, andhaving it you have all. And again. (to name no moreof there) Takeall the ful- neffe ot the Earth, and though it be never fo much : it is not able to answer you with Love s to return you Love, for your Love. 7 he greaten, &nobleil Gift of theworld, is Love That is alwaies unworthy of your love,that can- not answer your love again. If you havea full Fagg, If you have a full Table ; it you havea full Houle : thee ful- neffes cannot anfwer you wi,h love again ; but it cande- file your own love, C,h ! but the Fulnefle ofChrilt, itcan anfwer you with Lovefor Love , it gives you a better Love than youbrought it Nobilitates, and Meliorates, and raifes your own love forever. Fehold This is theFul- neffe, this is the Fulnefle that the Saints, that Beleevers do partake in, that they do receive of: and they may come to this Fulnefie of ,telus Chrift, and they may fay: Of this Fulnefle,ofth is Enke&wee have all received : As thole wicked men, they may go a to the futile&of the Earth, and they may fay indeed ; Of this fulneife we have all re- ceived ; but as for thai Fulnefewehavenoneofit. Oh! howmuch better is the cOdition ofa teleever,r.han the con- dition of a wicked man,thoughhe benever fo great,or rich. You that are Teleevers, you do envy at the men of the world,becaufe oftheir fill neffe ? I Pray tell rne,would you change your Fulneffe for theirs ? Would you change your Condition for theirs? And