Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifis Fable! received by allSaints. 39 And you that are of theworld , wicked, ungodly men ; that have but the Earths fulneffe Why do you lay out your thoughts and your time upon fuch a fulneffe? a drop - fical fulneffe ; a fading fulnefle ; a dyingfulnelfe ; a ful- neffe that is mixt with a Curfe ; a fulneIfe that does at be- mire you , and dirtyyou : pray tell me, Are you able with the Dafies, & Tulips ofthe world, to fatisfie your bet- ter part Oh' know you not, that notwithftanding all the Earths fulneffe that a wickedmans fortune, (I fay) that a wicked mans fortune it lies in a lake that burneth with fire and brim ':one And when you have done all you can, & gathered all that ever you can together ; you may go un- to your full purfes ; or unto your full bags ; or unto your full houfes or unto your full barnes ; and you may fay of this fulneffe I have received. Oh I but you cannot go un- to the Fulneffe ofthe Lord jefus Chrift, and fay ; And of this Fulnefsmy foul hash received. Oh ! fool (faies our Sa- viour, when His barnes are full) this night (hall thy foul be taken away from thee. And when you come below, in the pit, where no water is ; then you will complain, and fay : Oh ! wretch that I was; I might have had of the Fulnefs of jefusChrift, but I chofe rather the fulnefs of the earth and if I had had the Fulnefs ofChrift, I had bin made for ever; but I chofe rather the fulnefsof the world , then the Fulnefs ofJelin Chrift, and now I am loft for ever _ Oh I am loft for ever, I have none of the Fulnefs of Jefus Chrift. What an incouragement here is then(And fo T tome un- to theSecond Ufe : and I will not hold you long in it) Whatan incouragment is here unto al men, good and bad, to come in unto I.efus Chrift, and partake ofHis Fulneffe I (I fay) in the Second place; here is incouragement unto all you that hear the Word of theLord this day, good or bad : an incouragement unto all fouls, good, and bad to come in unto the Lord Jefus Chrift,and partakeofHis ful- neffe! Sales ourLord and Savior, When I am lift up, I will draw Luke I2. 20. Appli. 2. Joh. 32.